T'he Saints Infirmities. 71 and more. ,.. rim. 3. t; . meta waxe worfe and surf( : for that light of theirs is but like a flower, which, when it is at the belt, fades and decayes : and the reafon of it is , hecaufe God giveth a Man leave to ufe that common wife - dome that he bath for a time: but when they do not improove that knowledge that they have, then God takes it away from them, and turnes it into foolifhneffe, as we may fee, Rom. 1. 2 5. Be_ caur they changed the truth of Godinto a lye,t here- fore they were given ur to vile of easons. i. Cor. i . 19. God wilideffroy the wi fedome of the wife, and bring to nought the underflanding of the prudent. Fiftly, they differ in the effects which they pro - duce; for fir ft, this right judgement brings forth poverty of fpirit, when as before a Man thought he had fome good things in him, now he fees he is nothing. Saving wifedome makes him fee hi mfelfe empty of all that was good, makes him fee that before he knew nothing, as he ought to know; but Low common judgment breeds pride, it puffes a Man up. I. Cer. 8.1. 2. and makes him preferre himfelfe before his brethren. Secondly, this right judgement, it caufeth a Man to know every thing, as they ought to know it, whenhe knowes a right ufe of it.As for example, a Man that knowes his ground which he owes, whenheknowes what grayne it will be(f beare , what Tillage andManrtre, is bet} for it: Then aman knowes his Toole as hee ought, when he knows how to ufe it as bee ought. So a Man that knowes finne as he ought,when he 5 a