The Saints Infirmities. 73 and ferve him alone ; the other is called a wic- ked eye , becaufe there be many lufis on which it lookes. But this right judgement makes us looke on God Tingly, abfiraTted from all o- therthingS. A fourth effeét which this right judgement pro- nounceth, is, Converfion of the whole man un- to God : If thy eye be (angle , thy whole body is full oflight, (that is) fhall be fet ftraight ; and when this is not done, it hinders our converfion unto Gcd, as we may fee in the 13. of ma. 4 15. Verfe. Wee cannotl000ke on other things, and turne our eyes upon God at the fame time. Fiftly, this right Judgement itfets up, and makes a man willing to be guided by the word o 5 God,by theMiniflers, or any fervant of God ; a Child may lead him , the weakeft Chrif}ian may lead him,ifthey bring fpirituall reafon,as natural men are led by reafon, fo thefe by the Word of God. Sixtly, it makes a man able to pra&ifè that he knowes, whereas another man knowes much, pratfifeth little;but this judgement brings forth praFtice, this knowledge will lead us into aFtion;and :Co much for the firft ggne whereby we may know whether Chrift bath wrought any fparke ofgrace in us,namely, ifhe hates fet up his judgement in our hearts. 6 Now for the fecond, this is fuch a Judgement as begets life : a Reed bath life as well as an Cake nocv:ifyou would know ifthis life be right, or 2 K no,