Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

he Saints Infirmities. no, youlhall know it by the heate, there is fire : fo it we would know if this bee right, fee it by the combare ; if you would know if that bee right, try it by the vim ory : well then, now we have to fpeake of the fecond figue; Confider though you be weake, whether you are not as a bruited Reede, yea, or no,which hath force life, force ftrength in it. 4r4 bruifed Reed will henot breake,here we will confider three things. 1~ irft,that there mutt be fame ftrength and life in the weakeft. Secondly,this ftrength is fubjec`t unto bruifings,. A bruifed Reede. &e. Thirdiy,that Chrift will heale all thefe bruites; he will not breake the b.'uired Reed,but wil bring forth judgement into victory. For the firfi of thefe, there mull bee.a Reede which hath force life in it : Now life is Inch a faa. culty, whereby creatures moovethemfelves in their owne places, fo fay the Philofc, pliers : other things that have not life may zoove themfelves when they are out of their owne places : as a f'rone,when it is out cf its owne place, mooves downewards ; and fire here below, being out of 1 its place moves upwards ; but nothing can move it felfe in its place, but that which bath life in it. To apply this to our purpofe,whcfoever moves himfelfe in the way es of God, hath lifein him : There bee many things may move us towards God,as good education, a powerful' miniftry, good co npany,and the like; as loath and t/lma- zial;