Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

T be Saints In rmitie.r. 73 zah were good, while their good friends lived ; but all this doth not argue life in us,becaufe they but extrinfecall caufes ; as a hand may make a flone move upwards, the (lone hash not life therefore ;but when a man is fo farce enlight- ned,fò fa{liioned and formed by Jefus Chrifl,that he judgeth aright of the waies ofGod, and be- ing thus formed,he moves himfelfe to doe good, then he is Paid to be alive when Chrift ¡hall fèt up Judgement in the heart ofinen, to fee the evill of the waies offìn, and the good that is in the waies ofGod,even then he moves towards thole waies naturally and willingly, fuch a one hath life in him : Let force confider this, that live in the Church under good Tutors or Maf}ers,or Pa- rents,that are carried on in a crowd ofgood corm pany;they may do much,and yet have no life, be- caufe it may proceede from an outward caufe; not from an inward perfwafion of the Heart, of the goodnefie of the wayes wherein they walke. There is a two -fold perfwafion one is, that the wayes of God are good ; a bare per- fwafion onely, and yet this fritres not men up to walke inthere wayes ; but itlyes dead in the Heart. But there is another perfwafion which is in- grafted in the Heart,that moves a man to new o- bedience : r.lam.2 r.. a. So we {hall finde there a double expretïion of light : one, which barely {hewes men all evill and good :But there is ano- ther light with life,loh.8.I2. Flee that followeth K 2 me, I 2