Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

. 2 Ì"be. Saintslnjirmities. me, f 1411 have the light of life : It is an Narai fine, He ¡hall have the light of life , that is , the lively light:Eph. 5.4. Awake from the dead,andChrift thall give thee light. The frft difference betweene them, is, the one reveales the waies ofGod,but fo, that the affe- aions are not moved, thehands are notfet on ?worke. But the ether is,when that the waies ofGod are fo revealed,thatwe fee an arnability, an excellen- cy in them;and fo,that we lift up our hearts unto the waies of the Lord, as before we did unto va- nity; (that is) wee delire earneftly to walke in them. Confider how you lifted up your hearts to riä ches,pleaiilres,and other earthly vanities ; ifnow youfo lift up your hearts to walke in his wayes, then here is that inward perfwafion ; that lively'; light wrought in you;that life whereof we (peak: This life is nothing elfe,but that which the Scrip - ture calleth faith. N owthere is a dead faith fpoken of, and how fhall we know it to be dead ?Thus,when it {titres . us not up to good workes : And how ¡hall, we know it is living? when it moves uswi.11ing- ly and readily to duties of obedience ; Chrift dwels in the heart by faith : So faith Sr.Piat, The lifeI now live,is by faith in the Son of God,Gal. 2.20. (that is) there are two men that looke on Chrift ;one lookes on :him beleeves all the p`ro- nuifes,all threatnings,al his word;opens his heart, and lets Chrift c6 me -in, and role, and doe there what he lift. Another