Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Infirmities. 77 Another faith(ify_ou aske him) that he beleeves all this ; but we (hall know it by this ; becaufe it doth not make him move forwards to new obe- dience : now according to our life that is in us,fo is our ftrength ; the lefíe life,the leffe f}rength, Revelations 3. 8. The Church of Philadel- phia is faid to have a little ftrength : now if you would know whether you have true ftrength or no you muf} difhinguilh betweene life and f rength ,_ to wir,. the leaf} degree of ftrength will firft enable a man to doe all things in foine meafure ; though not in that mea;'ure you fhould : it will enable you to love God, to beleeve, ro pray, &c. you can doe fomeching of every thing. Philippians 4. 13. I can doe all things through. Chrift that íirengthneth mee. Secondly, though it doe not reach the high 2 el} degree, yet aimes at it, and hath a delire to come to it : After hee had Paid, hee had ehil.3.14i7 not yet attained to perfection, but aimed at it, made forward toward it : hee adder, let as many as bee perfect bee thus minded : the leas fparke of fire will endeavour to rife above the Aire, as well as the greater}, and where true ftrength is, it will endeavour to bee ftronger. Thirdly,that is notan empty levelling at it,.but.1 it groves up to it; Co doth not other common ! 3 ftrength : there is a fcré :igrh in Iron to refill vio- lent Or oaks, and in.a Rocke to refill the force of the waves, but this is not a vi tali ftrength, fo in K other' y