So The Saints Infirmities. other men there may be ftrength of R.efolution, but it is not a felfe- moving flrength, and there- fore it continues as it was, and growes not : but in vital! flrength , there is a period to which it growes, and never reas til it comes up to it,as we fee in plants and other living creatures, and men, they growup to their full ftrength : fo Chriftians have their period which they grow up to, and this period is perfectHolineffe, which they can - not attaine too in this life: and therefore they are ftill growing fo long as they live. Now then fee if you have fuch a ftrength : and if you can finde that you have,then there is life in you : And that is the firft that werepropounded tofbewe, that there muff be fome life,fome ftrength The fecond thing was., that this ftrength is fubje &t to much bruiting : Abrrii jed Reed will hca not bretke o A weake Chriftian, though heehave not the ftrength of a man,yet he bath the ftrength of a child,though not of a Tree , yet of a Plant and fuch ftrength is fubjeet unto bruifings, and the leffè ftrength', the more fubjet it is to brui- fings, as we fee in plants. Now bruifings are of two forts, and both arifing from frnne. a The firft arife from finne, as it is unpardoned : (that is) as you apprehend finne to be unpardo- ned, the more ready you are to be bruifed. The fecond fort arifeth from fanne, as it is un. 2 mortified ; when a Man fees íä11 that fin growes up, which he had thought he had cut downe, hee is ready to be bruifed: The former fort is contra - ry to the grace of Juftification, the latter to that of