Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

rhe Saints Infirmities. 77 of Sanaification : now Chrift hath promifed to heals thefe bruifes, which is the third thing to be confidered let thole therefore that are thus weake,confider this promife here,that Ch rift wil Heale all theft bruifings , and fo all other , the promife for this purpofe that He will Heale theft bruifings, which arífe from ourdoubtings of Jit- ffification, E, fay 6 i ver. That is the brui- ting for which Chrift came into the. World, to preach glad tydings to the weake, and to binde up the broken Hearted , to proclaime liberty to the Captives. Thereforeifa poore foule would goe to Chrift, and fay thus : Lord 1 am bound with a chaine of my finites , and thou carneft to fet filch at liberty : Chrift hee.would do it for he was annoynted for that very purpofe: And fo for the buifings that arife_ from fin un- mortified, why Chrift bath promifed not to leave thee to thy felfe., nor forfake. thee,bur will deftroy all the Workes of the Divc.11 in Thee : Therefore goe to Chrift, and putHim in minde . of this promife, and fay,Lord, I am one ofthem to whom this promife is made : I am as a bruifèd Reed ; and as fmoaking Flaxe and Thou haft promifed, not to breake a bruited Reede, nor quench the fmoaking Flaxe put Chrift thus in minde ok His promife,and Hee will Heart , and Helpe, and Heale thee. But now heere are fome cafes of confcience to be refolved. Firft, Tome will be ready to fay, that they have none of thefe bruifes,that they are not thus wea- ry and heaven laden , beaufè they cannot grieve for 3 a: Cafes of' Eonfcience. pucfi. 1.1t-