T he Saints Infirmities. Chrift, as to bewilling to take the Crowne , and partake of the priviledges onely, but this is not fufficient ; but when thy forrow (hall fo bring' thee Home to Chrift, that thou art willing to take Chrilts yoake on thee, to fubjeft thy felfe to Chrift in all things : fo much forrow and brui- fedneffe as this, is fufficient to bring thee Home. O, but though I am thus farre bruited , that I am willing to beare Chrifts yoake, and to do that He (hall commaund me , yet I doe not finde that this promife is performed tome : God hides his face from me,and I cannot finde Him whom my foule loves , and that I cannot finde that my fins are pardoned : And fo for bruiles belonging to San &ification ; I have ftriven long againft fuch a tuft, and cannot fee it Mortified any whit. To this I anfwere, that Chrift in with-holding the comfort: and fuffering thee to be more laded, doth ever fulfill this promife here made.Math. I i. 28. Come unto me, é c. But the Obje &ion might be made: Wee have come unto thee, and yet finde no reft : Chrift therefore addes, Take my yoake upon me,and learne of me, &c. The yoake of Chrift is the governe- ment of Chrift, the taking of this yoake upon' us is the fub;eaing our (elves to this goveriie- ment. Now the governmentofChriftconfi(ts in two Things. Firft,it commaunds us to doe many Things. Secondly, Hee will have us to differ many things : and if wee take Ch rifts yoake upon us, L we ;.Cafes. OGjeïfion. t . 2. 3ílvJ. 2