Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

I be Saints Infirmities. we mull doebot:,. Now a man is willing o doe d many things that Chrift commands, but flops at fòme things ; there is force thing, fame duty which he will not doe,as prayer,giving ofalmes, or forne other: And fo alfò for fufkring,he is wil- ling to endure fome thing for Chrift,but there is fómething againe which he cannot endure, re- proches, fcoffes,and the like. If therefore God hold offcomfort for any long fèafon, leta man looke well to his fpirit, and fèe ifhe bee perfect- ly willing to take Chrift yoke upon him, if hee were,the prçmife is certaine , and alai] be made good, he than find ref( to his foule , and ifhe doe not, there is fume fault in himfelfe. In the tenth of lodges, ver. r c. to the end ofrhe Chap. there the peoplewere burthened,aud cryed unto the Lord,and yet found no ret( :but Cod deferres comfort,and tels them , he would deliver them no more ; then the people fubmitted thernfelves unto God,faying, Doe with us nhatplearethtbee, ane put 4Way their ffr4ngegods,ver. i 6. and ferved God. Now when the children of Ifraei were brought to this, to cart away the relicks of Ido- latry, and to ferve the Lord perfet`rly; then it is Paid : The Lords Spirit was grieved for the mife- ry of Ifrael. So i fa man would have peace,`and have fought it ïong,and cannot finde ir, let him fee whether there be not force relicke ofcorrup- tion which God would have caft cu` of thy heart : and when it's done, and thou art willing toferve God per è &ly, then thcu ail t finde refi unto thy foule.And fo much for the fecond ligne of