The Saints Infirmities. 83 of true grace wrought in a man,to wit,ifthere be any life and frrength in him, though it bee min- gled with much weakneflè. The third we named , that where trot grace was ,there was beate. Smocking iaxe will bee not quench where there is fmoake there is tre, and where fire is, there is heate, be it never fo fmall : and this added to the former oflife : Life is nothing elfe but a fublimary heate, and vvhere there is life,there is heate, all life is joyned with heate : but not on the contrarywhere there is heate there is lifeifor cold things maybe warmed from without by the Sunne, but where there is heat from an inward principle, there is life. The Spirit is compared to fire and heate : Quench not the Spirit : He {hall baptize you with the Ho- ly Ghoft andwith fire : or which is as fire :There fore where this fpirit is in a man, there the Holy Ghoft hath beene. Now this heat is nothing elfe but a folicitous and earneft delire to pleafe God in al things,to get and increafe communion with Chrift,and to be built up in grace. I fay, it is,hrft a folicitous and earneftdefire,a delire accompani- ed with carefulneffe how he may doe to pleafe God in all things ; whereas in other men there is a luke- warmneffe,a remifnefle in all things, they care not whether they doe it cr no:but this is an earneft careful' delire, and that in the fecond place to pleafe God _: an hypocrite may have ftrong delires ,let himbe brought to have an ap- prehenfion of Gods wrath,and hell -fire, and hee would have an earneft delre to be delivered from L ? it: 3