84 The Saintslnffrmities. I Cor. 7.I i. GJbieîf. Anfw. it : But all this is not to pleafe God,but himfel re, and not God in all this : But our defire mutt be to pleafe God : See bow the a feó ions wereßirred a.nd' what fruits it wre ugh t, they were moved by mo- tives taken from God,and with delire tending to him and fo inuft we be. Againe, this righteous fire bath in it this pm - petty, that it purifieth the Heart from drofle and filth, and it puts itfelfe forth in holy athons, makes a man ready to pray, to fpeake profitably, and the like: as fire makes. men a Live, and fit for action. Laflly,it is alwayguided by the fpirit ofjudg- me:nt,when youmind that moft,which the Scrip. ture prefieth moft !where the Heart is upright a man defpifeth none of the waies ofGod; not the meanefk truth,but would know'thení all:but that which the Scripture moil of all urged', that hee mo} earnefily prefiéth after,and labours to bring, kis heart unto them;as the Scripture is mof} love, and the like, fo he taketh molt pailles with his Heart about this:now-therefore try by there pro - perties,whether you have heate in you,or no Oh ! but I cannot finde this Heat in me, I can- :not ende there holy af&ions in my heart. I anfwer, confider ifthoufndeft anyaffe&ions that are holy in thee, though not many : yea, i thou findelt none, confider if thou haft not this fmoake:for fometimes a nian may finde that fire it felfe,fometimes onely this frnoak, what is it e Ianfwer, when you finde not the affe &ions fo moving as you fee fame others doe, yet you find in,