Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints Infirmities. in your felfe a carefulneffe, and watchfulnefïe o- ver your wayes, that thou wilt'ft not run into fin, though thou canft not doe what good thou wouid'ft : why,here is the fmoake,and fome fire, though but Imali; David was not able to doe as he was wont to doe,to pray as he was wont : and therefore he praies God to reftore him his fpirit, and the joyes he was wont to have : but yet bee was carefull over his waies afterwards : And if thou find'ft but this fmoake, this care over thy waies this refolution to commit no knowne fin, though thou find'1t not the flame of holy atfeOti- on,yet be not not difcouraged, thou ,haft that which is ofthe fame nature within thee :Scnoake is of the fame nature with flame, for flame is no- thing but fmoake fet on fire ; and therefore take comfort,and continue conftantfrill, till God in- flames thee, and that is the third figne. Where there is true grace wrought , there is combate and firife in the working and after- wards till bee bring forth judgement into viaory. Before viaory there goes a combate : this then is implyed, there muttbee a ftrife. The Difciplel :t ovt ap ongfi themfelves who [hamlet he thegrea tejiinthe lcingdome ofheaven. This is a property of all his fervants :as Chrifts Kingdome is not of this world;fo are they not apt to contendfor any thing in this world. But you may know ityou be Chrifts fervantsorno,ifyou contend for f)iritu- all things.strive to enter in at the ftraiçhtgate, for many (hall feeke to enter in thereat ,but fh.11not bee abre. We fee that there are two difpofitions of L men, 4