Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

`I Jhe Saints Infirmities. 87 ture is ready to take part with it,which was bred and borne with it.Wben r worth/doe good, evill is Rom.7.2 T. flillprefent with me: there is fomething lay at the fountainehead,as it were,and ftopt him,when he would doe any good. It is our cafè alto in well- doing we fee how backward we are to begin,and when we have begun,how ready we are to leave. off. But if it beea but-ladle that concernes our felves, wee are ready to doe,yea, to over-doe it : How ready we are to idle words, how backward we are to profitable conference ; how ready 'td fpcnd on our lufts, how backward to true libera- lity : and fo r might inftance in divers others. And therefore Peeing we have this Refit about us, we had need to ftrive; it is that which a Chriftian ihould make account of, to doe that which hee bath not a minde to doe, and not to doe that I which he bath a minde to doe, and fo frill to dee the contrary, and ftrive againfi the Tits of the ftefh,and fo to reftraine his nature from what he would doe. But how fhouldwedoe to contend thus? t.06 ¡eíten. To give you fr.-me directions, Fight thegood A,z v. fight of Faith:The a&ing of our faith,and letting = .T .6.1 2. it on wxaorke when any thing comes to hinder us, will helpe us to overcome in this combate. Let a man beleeve the promifes and threatnings of God,and he {hall be able to refill th° flefh : but let faith beafleepe, and it will quickly prevaile a -: gainft us : Take the .Meld ofFaith : N ow, what a Ephef.E >16. fhield is for the defence of the body, that faith is for the defence of his Cottle. When any tempta- tions