Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

48 That the Nature of man is full of SE RM. II. of iris a great and fearefull fin ; the eating of the for- _.._ bidden fruit was unlawful!, becaufe G o D comman- ded Adam the contrary; If G o`D's command be on the leaft thing, the negle6t of it makes it a difobedi- Difobceiience ence ; when G o D came to Adam,faithHe, Hall thou Ill (mall things eaten of the Tree concerningwhich X have f aid,thou f halt a great finne. not eat of it ? That is, haft thou Beene difobedient ? Haft thou broken my Commandement You fee what followed on it. So'Saul, when G o D bade him deffroy the L4rnalekites, you would not reckon it a great fin to fave a few cartell alive; but becaufe Gon commanded the contrary, the fault was great. So I Kings t 3. the Prophet, s Kings 13. One would not thinke it to be a great matter for hurl to goe that way or the other : yet becaufe he went that way, G o D fent a Lion and de- voured him.The fin of Difobedience you may think a fmall thing, no man thinkes it fo grofTe a fin as Ido. latry, Adultery and Murther ; but fee how G o D Sam. :S. s3. iudgeth of it, x Sam.i 5.23. febellion isas:the finne of witchcraft; and ftubborneneffe is as iniquity and Ido- latry, that is, thou thinkeft it no great matter to fave a few cattell, and to keepe the King alive, though thoudeftroyeft all the reft : thou thinkeft it a fmall thing,but it is not fo; looke what thou thinkeft of the fin of Witchcraft and Idolatry,fuch is Difobedience. Now let men apply this to themfelves, looke what is revealed to you to be a finne, I know this is a finne, I know it is G o D's command not to commit it ; if ,thou fall into it, it is now a Difobedience, as Adam's was, and as Sadls was, and as the. Prophets was, and confider how God will take it; you fee how He dealt with them. Come to particulars, doe you not know,