Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Saints jnfirmities. tions are fuggefted unto us, faith is it that repels them : never is a mán overcome but through de- fea offaith,or when the habit lyes hid afleepe in us.Ileb. i L. When they fet their Faith on worke, what marvellous things did they ?what made le- reboot: fo weake? but onely want of faith : What was it that overcame Eve? but onely that the did not beleeve fledfaftly the Word ofGod. On the contrary, what was it ftrengthned Daniel, the three Children, and infinite others'? it was their faith.The Saints when they have the ufe of their faith,are very ftrong:but when they have not the ufe of their faith are very weake as other men : as Abraham,how weake was he , when he expofed his wives chaftity forwant ofFaith? and David whenhe diffembled,and Peter when he denied his Matter ; but when he was ftrengthned through faith, how bold was he before the Counfell ? it was his faith that enabled him to fight the good fight, becaufe he kept the faith in the profefïion' ofit, and in the prat -ice ofit, and in teaching of it : and therefore ifwe would be ftrengthned to refill our fpirituall enemies,we muft labour to let our faith on worke,that is the firít meaner. The fecond rieanes, S.Peter lets downe:Deare- ly beloved, Ibefeech you as flrangers andpilgrims abflaine from fle jhly lusts which warre againfl the oule.Firft,confîder that you are but ftrangers and pilgrims : for if you take the pleafures in the world,you cannot fit by them,why e you are but ftrangers,therefore abf Caine from them. A gaine, confider that thefe lulls they fight againfl