The Saints Infirmities. 89 againf} the foule. No man in the world,that did confider that filch a man now knocked at the door,whom if he did let in, would cut his throat, but that he would ufe all meaner to bar him out : why this now is our cafe;they feeke our lives,nay our forks ; they fight, there is their farce ; they leek to prevaile by maine force if they can;ifthey cannot, then they Peek to proceed by fraud and cunning:they are ready to perfwade us, that they are friends, and not enemies , and that you may { go to Heaven though you yeeld to them,and that you may quickly overcome them.; that ifyou fa- tisfie them for the prefent,they will be gone,and trouble you no more, and a thouCand luch like : but take heed,fight ag;ainfl them, keep them out, not onely for the prefent,for they renew the bat_ tell;as an enemy if he be too weake at one time in one place he encreafeth his forces,takes more ad- ' vantages,and renewes his battellagaine : fo doe thefe , they will set upon us againe andagaine with a frefh force,and ifthey cannot prevaile one way, they will trye another way, and if they cannot doe good by one, they will use all wayes. And then confider the end ofthis Fight, it is to kill and deffroy,as we know the end ofa fight is i Nuw theft: lufts they fight againf} your fcu'e,and nothing will fatisfie them but your life. Every time they fèt upon you, it is a buffering ; every time you yeeld to them, it is a wounding, and if you doe nor refit} and f }rive against them, they will procure your utterperdition.And therefore M fhe-