90 The Saints ynfirrnitiese O6iell. z Ibefeech you be as firangers andpilgriirs, áb- ftaine from fleíhlylufs which warre againft your foules. Yes,i could be content toltrive, ifthere were any hope of doing any good but I'anraffraid I ¡hall be overcorne,and thereforeas good yeeld at the firfc,as at the laft, I anfWer,there is great hope, yea, aflitrance of vic ory,wheref sever true grace is,though it may be held downe long,and fuffer many oppofitions: yet in the end he (hall be fure ofviftory, till hee_d bring f orth ¡casement into vielory. A lift ligne to know if there bee Paving grace, yea,or no;if there be,it (hail at laft have theupper hand,but all through Chrift: He that hath begun that good worke,will perfect it : For he will doe it,for hee is faithfull , and in him wee are rich : through him wethall be more than conquerours, not through our (elves ; we are apt to be difcou- raged,when we fit downe and confider what cor- ruptions we have arifing from our natures,which we thinke wee (hall never mafter. True, wee cannot doe it in our owne-firength, but Chrift hath undertaken to doe it for In, he (hall fubdue our iniquities. There aretwo things in the Kingdom ofGrace, which when wee looke on , are apt to make us difcouraged. Firft,when a man Iookes on his owne ftrength, and fees how little he can doe ofhinifelfe. Secondly, whenhelookes on the Kingdome ofGrace rbroad,and fees how it goes downe the winde,