Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Contents. DOCT. III. 7u hard to difcerne fall Repentance, Confeßion, and *eîtitution, from true. Falfe Repentance goes very fore, both in relea of the Reafons drawee from the Grounds,and Concomitants. p 19 I. The Grounds of fag; Repentance : i. Selfe -love. p.2o difa prove the 2. Common gifts of H foulene fe of Sinne.p. 21 the holy Gho, jl,to ate the ug- lineffe 3. A carnali apprehenfon of beauty, fweetneff and excellency in Gods wages. ibid. 4. Good Education. ibid. I I. Falfe Grounds of Confeßion I Pa /ion. z Evident difcovery of fnne. p. 22 3 Torture of canfcience. III. Falfegroundof Re1fitutiln, 4 the burthcnfome- neffe of frme. ibid. Vfe 1, To Phew the vanity of Popifli Doíirine. ibid. Vfe I I. To exhort men to try whether their ewae Repentance be true or falfe. P. 23 Two things hinder this judging of a mantel fe I. Ynwillingneffe to fearch : the carafes whereof are, I A long perfwaf on of ones good eflate. 2. it