The Contents. V fe 4. To f lien the wofull cafe of fuck gas have not gone fo far is Repentance as Iudas did. ibid. Doc T. IV Good things are approved in wickedmens confciences, whether they will or no. p.31 Reafon 1. Becaufe it is not in mans owne power to judge as he life, but from the light of confcience, p32 Reafon 2. Becaufe God will have glory from all his creatures. p.33 Vfe i. To teach ,a to thinke well of the n'aies of God. ibid. Vfez. Not to be di f couraged with any oppofitlon. ibid. Doc T. V. Mans nature rapt to excufe fin after it is committed p,34 Reafon I. 1llaall fin leaves darken rj'e in the mïnde. ibid. Reafon 2. It begets paßion that corrupts the judgement. p.3; Reafon 3. It weakens the faculties of the foule. ibid. Reafon 4. It drives away Gods Spirit from ais. ibid. Vie. flye Pinne, that blindes our eyes ,and hinders our reco- ver*. ibid. s Vfe