The Contents. Vfe z. Being faine, to remember bon, apt we are tò eiecufe fin. p.36 Doc r.VI. Companies in evil leafs comfortable in times ofextre- miale. p. 36 Reafon I. Gods jufiice, who fits them one againfianother, that joyne againfi him. p.37 Reafon Mans nature,apt to love treafon, hate the traytor. ibid. 'Reafon 3. Their owne love.bcì»g gaine or f erne bafi end. ibid. Vfe I. To make, us beware we joyne with wicked men .ibid. Doc T. VII. The greateji comfort in fin proves commonly the mofi dircemfarta64. p.38 Reafon i. The Curfeof God. Reafon 2. t ibid. Sin makes the Tonle ficke. Vfe I. To make men take heed how they-turne from God to fin. P..39 x Doc To ,, Gods wrath and finne,cbarged on the confcienee,are ex. ceediaL