ludas Repentance. Matth. chap. 27. verfe 3, 4, 57. Then when Iudas, which betrayedhim, fare that he was condemned, he repented himfelfe,and brought again the thirty peeees of filver to the chiefe Frielts and Elders, Saying,Ihave finned in betraying of innocent blood;and they fail, what is that to fm, Pe tho a t. _ And then be had call down the filver peeees in the Tem- ple, he departed,and went and hanged himfelfe. Hefe words doe containe the repentance of hides after his great finne of be- traying Chrift ; The fumme of them is to thew what Sentence he had catt upon him. The parts of the words are thefe five Firi, a defcription of ruder, one who betrayed Cbrifi. B 3 Secondly,