IUD A s lepentance. Secondly, the occafion of his Repentance;' which is fer forth by the circumflance of Time; When he faw he was condemned. Thirdly, the Repentance it felfe, in thefe words, He repented himlelfe, and brought again, &c. Of which Repentance there are three parts,, x . He made reflitution of that be had taken, he brought againe the thirty flyer peeces. a. He confeffeth his finne, faying, i havefinned in betraying innocent blond. 3. He fhewes himfelfe forrowfull, fo that if it were to doe againe, he would not doe it ; which is another effect of his Repentance. Fourthly, the entertainement that he had of the Chiefe Priefls and Elders afterward. Wherein obferve, i. They excufe themfelves, laying, What is that to its ? although they had little reafon to fay fo for if hee had finned in betraying Chrift,then much more they who were the caufes thereof. z. They lay more burthen upon him, Lookethon to it. Fifthly,the iffue of all this;wherein is fet down, z. What comfort bee had of thofe thirty filver peeces ; He call downe the filver peeces. 2. What Iudgement God infli&ed on him, he made him his Ow, ne Executioner; He departed, and went and hanged himfelfe. Thefe are the parts of the words. Finn, for the defcription of /odds (one that be- trayed Chcifl.)From whence obferve, the doarine is this, That