IunAS Aepentance. That looke what a man is in his life time, fach( hall be his name in' the end . ; if their lives have beene bad, their names at their death will be according; ifgood, their report fhall be thereafter as it is here plaine in Iudas, ke bath big name according to his defers. I . deny not, but for a dine a good man may be evil! fpoken of,and an evill man may be magnified For the former, wee. may fee it in many places ; Our Saviour Chrift himfelfe was little regarded of the Scribes and Pharifees ; David may for a while be defpifed ; Paul may be reproached ; and fo Io- fph,and many others. For the fecond,wicked men for a while may have good report ; Iudas may fo carry himfelfe for a while, that none of the Difci- pies would fo much as fufpeEt him for a traytor to . his Matter. But behold the end of thefe men, it fhall furely bee according to their deeds : Let zero- beam carry a faire thew, let cvlhab have a good re- port for a while., but marke the end of there men ; for Jeroboam, who mingledhis owne devices with the worfhip of God, behold, he hath his brand fet upon him for his perpetual! infamy ; Jeroboam the feline of Xgbat,pho made Ifrael to fanne, 2 King. i o. 29. and although Amazia made a great f-hew, yet at laft was marked' hypocrite ; fo Ahab at laft was branded with a name ofeternall difgrace. On the contrary fide, good mens names (hall -floe. rifh at their death, though it may be before difgra. ced. David, although hee had committed many grievous limes, yet at the laft his name was moft honou- D oar.