1 t1 D A S Aepentance. honourable : And thus is that verified, Godbided) the righteous, but the name of the wicked 'hall rot, Prov.I o. 7. Now to come to the Reafons of this DJarine, why the Lord doth reward every man in the end according to their wayes in their life time. The &íl: reafon hereof is taken from God him - felfe ; he bleffeth and curfeth mens wayes accor- ding to their workes ; therefore needs mutt it bee that he mutt bleffe the godly, but curie the wicked; he maketh their names to rot, and rotten things Toone ftinke : Hence is it that names of fo many are fo in famous after their death. And this the Lord doth for two reafons. Firt}, in regard of his truth, he cannot be corrup- ted. And therefore as men are indeed, fo he blef. feth or punifheth them ; and although men may be deceived, yet he cannot; For be knoweth the way of the righteous, and the way of the wicked Aiall perifh, Pfal. r. 6. Secondly, in regard of his glory : I will honour them that honour mee, faith the Lord: If thofe that difhonour God fhould bee honoured ; or if thofe that honour God, fhould be difhonoured, it would be an impeachment to his honour ; but God is ten- der over his honour, and therefore by nomeanes will hefuffer it fo to be. The fecond Reafón is drawn from the men themfelves ; ordinarily men will bee like them felves: Feigned things quickly returne into their owne nature ; if good mettle be covered over with bad,