I u D A s iepentance. bad, the bad will foone weare away, and the good will appeare; and on the contrary fide, if bad met- tle bee covered with good, the good will Toone weare away, and the bad will be feene; fo a godly man may have Lome flips, but at the lall it will ap- peare what he is ; and an hypocrite may have ma- ny a good fir, yet fooner or later he will Phew him - Idle to be like himfelfe. The third reafon is taken from other men; at the Reaf. 3t end envie ceafeth, and then their confcienc s that before did but whifper, !hall now fpeake aloud in their Bares, that they have beene good men : on the otherfide, for wicked men, it may be they have beene great men, and fo they dare not fpe .ke as they thought, but then feare ¡hall be removed, and then they fhall ufe liberfie of fpeech : for why are wicked men well fpoken of in this life e but onely becaufe that men dare not fpeake their minds; but then, when both envie and feare thall be removed, then ihail Paul Lc r!, and had .s í1.21l be -Taw. Now the Vfes are thefe three. Era, If mens names (hall be according to their FP I. hearts in their life times, then take heed that thou keepe not an evill heart in fecret ; for God who fees thy firmes in fecret, will reward thee openly; Mattli. s. , God fees thy fecret prophaneneffe,thy fecret cove.. toufnefie ; furely without thou doeft fpeedily a- mend, God in the end will give thee a name actor. 1 dingy : on the contrary, art thou fecretly upright, holy, &c t God certainly who feeth it, will in the . end plentifully reward thee ; for if wee have not C credit