JUDAS Repentance. credit with God, finely all gloffes and ihifts will doe no good : fo that this is true both as well for the evill as the good. Let every man therefore looke to his owne confcience, and fee how the cafe ftandeth with him. Art thou an hypocrite e God Gen. 4.1 s. ' , will even fet a brand upon thee, as he did upon Cain, which (hall never be feparated from thee, no more than the fhadow from the body ; thou (halt never have a good name with men ; yea, and rather than thy wickednefï'e fhall.be hidden, the very birds of the ayre (hall difclofe it ; and although it may be thou thinkeft that thy power or authority wil fhield thee from ill report, yet I tell thee thy expeavtati- on will much be fruftrated. Secondly, This fhould teach us daily to renew our repentance for our fins ; for although it may bee our fins be remitted, yet unleffe we doe daily by repentance cleanfe our hearts,God at the length will bring us to fhame; and as tofephs brethren,who becaufe they rM not repent-them of their finne a- gaínft their brother, were many yeeres after grie- ved and troubled fot the fame. Therefore as you love your names, by daily repentance make up the breaches of yotr heart and life ; for thus did the Prophet David. Who would ever in the leaft man- ner have imagined that he, after his great fïu:es of murder and adultery, would have recovered his name ; yet becaufe that bee unfeinedly, even Rom the bottom of his heart repented, behold at the laft he recovers againe his name, and in the end di- eth both full of riches and honours. So likewife leb Pfe z.