Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

I u D A s ¶epentance. 7 lob, though he was in his life time very impatient, yet becaufe that he repented him of it truly, after- ward he is honoured for his patience; and hence is it that Saint lames faith,Remember the patience of lob. braes s. A good name cannot but muff follow grace and vertue ; no leffe than a fweet fmell will needes follow flowers and fweet oyntments. If then thou haft committed any fin= either in fecret or open- ly, wilt thou have thy good name recovered be- fore thou dye ." bee fure to make thy heart fure by repentance. Thirdly, Let not good men be difcouraged for Yre 3: evill reports that they may here have for a time, nor let not evill men be encouraged for the good reports for a time they may have ; for at the lait all evill reports that are caft on the godly (hail vanifh away, and all the good report that the wicked have had (hall quite forfake them, and every one then (hall plainely appeare what he is : the reafon of this is, becaufe the reports of the wicked have ho fure rooting. Indeede certain -it is, dear et c godly of- ten have an ill name, yet moft fure is it, that at the 'aft God will make their goodnefie to break forth as the Sunne when it hath beetle long darkened. Yet lucre mutt bcc uric eAutiuu premifed, that our heartsbe fub(fantially good. I deny not but a man may have force blemifhes, but we muff daily la- bour to keepe our hearts unfpotted of the world : We muff behave out felves blamel; ly, but how e not by (topping the mouthes of men ; but we muff keepe ourfelves unfpotted of the z rld, and arm e