Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

TZ Muth. 26.zi. lohn 6. 7o. IUD As Repentance. our (elves againft it, by abftaining from finne. If paper be well oyled, cati inke upon it, and it will foone returne off againe, but ifit be not oyled it will flay on ; fo if our hearts be well oyled a- gainft the world, by our innocent carriage, then if they have ill reports call upon them, they will not remaine, but off againe prefently; and fo againe on the contrary fide. And thus much for the frrft part of my Text. 2. The time [When he f w he ma condemned.] Hence learne againe, That finnes are commonly covered andglofes put upon them n utill they be committed, but after they be corn- mittedtheyfeeme me. vile and odious. This is plaine here in ludas, before he commit- ted this finne it feemed a matter, of nothing unto him, but after behold how hainous it is. Sathan herein is very ready to deceive us, as we may fee in many cxamplcs. Thus dell hewith David when he went to number the people, when 7oab reprefen- red the finne to him well enough, yet it feemed no.. thing to him, but he muff needs have it done, then afterwards fee how lidiuous it was tv him, info - much that it made him cry out, faying, z have done exceeding fooli/hly. But fhould we trace the whole Bible, we can finde no better example than this of ¡udas ; Chrift had given him fo manie warnings, faying, oneo f you)(hall betray me : And againe,ibave cho fen twelve, and behold one of you is a Divell. And a cane,