IUD AS Repentance. gaine, It were better for that man, by wham the Bonne of man fha/l be betrayed, that he had never been borne: yet all this would not ferve, but the lufter of the thirty fiver peeces had fo blinded his eyes, that he could not fee. Now for the reafons. The firft reafon is taken from a mans felfe ; our tufts within us are fo firong, that wee cannot fee the finne ; as was that in Cain : for the properties of thefe lulls are to call a mill before our eyes, and to blind -fold us thereby. As when a man Both any thing in his anger, while his anger lafls,he thinketh that he doth it with reafon,but afterwards he judg- eth himfelfe for it, and confiders the thing as it is in it felfe ; fo it is when a man is blinded with his lulls, he goes on in fin, pent calm judicirinz,cum res tranfat in effelium. The fecond reafon is from the Divell, who co- vers our fins before they are committed with force baites ; for hee knowes no ffh will bite att bare hooke: fo fin at the flrfI is covered with profit,plea- lures, &c. :or elfe he laboureth to minfe it with di. ftinCtions, but when its committed, then he fers it forth in its owne proper colours. The third reafon is from God himfelfe, who giveth men up oftentimes in his jufl judgement; and then ufe all the per fwafions and reafons in the world,and you cannot move them from it : hence is it that the Apoftle fpeakes,Rom. ¡.28.4s they regar- ded not to know Gad, fo Godgave them over to a repro- bate fenfe, that they were not able to difcerne of the C 3 trottk. r Marke 14.21 Rea Ai Ref. 2.: Real 3. Rom> I.23.