Lu.n A S Repentance. greater, he is awaked. with greater difficulty ; for a groffe finne is alwayes molt dangerous; this yee may fee plainly in David, when he had cut off the lap of Sauls garment, hec quie$kly perceived his finne ; but when he had committed the foule finne of a dultery,he was more a great deale infenfible of that. The reafon why wee are fo infenfible in grope fine is this, becaufe when a godly man commits but a little finne, for all that his heart Rill remaines in good temper ; but when hee commits a great finne, then its all out of order, and cannot perceive it fo foone. Even as a man, if he hath a great blow on the_head with a ftaffe, he is leffe fenfible than if he had a little fcratch or rench ; fo is it with Gods children incommitting of finne. Now the Vfc is this : Seeing that this is the Divels craftineffe, firft to cover finnes before they be committed, let us then whenwe are affaultedwith any tentation,take heed; let u snot beleeve that that finne is little, but rather let us demurre and confider a little the matter ; If thou -haft any good motions in thee-, execute them fpeedily ;. but if thou art tempted to wickedneffe flay a while, and confider a while. Its the note of a foole to goe onheregardeth notwhither ; but its the figne of a wife man, to fee a danger a farre off, and efcape it. Confider what will followthy fin. At the firft ruder thought that thirty peeces of fil- ver would have made amends for all, but after he was condemned, he repented for his former fol- ly. II Rcaf n: Simile. Yfe.