RIDA s Aepen tan cei ly. If before we fume we could but fede the fe. quences, we would never commit it ; if we could but fee the blindneffe ofminde, the horrour of con- fcience, the hardneffe of heart that will infepara- bly follow them, we would certainely than them; for is any man fo mad as to thinke that if a man felt the furfeit fiat, before he eat the fweet meat, that he would then eat it ? no furely : fo could we but fee the punifhment now that will follow a lit- tle pleafure, furely wee would rejeó all the plea. fu re. Let us therefore bee fo wife for to looke to the baits that the divell carts before us,for he is cunning and fubtill, and its good for us to thinke fo. We ufually labour and ftrive againft evill com- pany, to abftaine from them; why thould we then meddle with the divell, or be in his company e E. vah was drawne to finne through conference with him, although it may be at the firft the intended it not. Gaze not at ill upon theft baits of Sathan. And if he doe preffe fore upon you, confider the confe- quents that will certainly follow, and fay as lezabel laid (though after another manner) had zimri peace, who flew his malter e if he tempt thee to lying, then fay, had t../inanids and SipbI.r peace, who lyed to the Lord:' If he temptesh you to other fumes, looke what the Scripture faith againft fuch firmes ; as if he intice thee to commit fornication, remember that of the Apoftle,Commit not forniegi. on,as fome did,whero f dyed three and t venty thus f ands: or fay thus, had Onan peace, who finned in thus do- inge