Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

14 UD As Repentance. D edit. c.ídzz fw. were out of joynt, and full ofgriefe. The pleafures of the wicked have forrow with them, but the for - rowes of the godly have joy. Secondly, as to good anions there is pleafure adjoyned,fo there are alto force veils which follow every finne. Sathan he prefents before our eyes faire pleafures, when he tempts us to hainous fins ; but he never fhewes us the paine and griefe that will follow. Thus did he with our Saviour, when he tempted him, (hewing him all the kingdomes ofthe world, and the glory of them; but never did he thew himthe griefe. Thus likewife did he when he tempted the Ifraelites,fhewing them their flefh -. pots in Egypt, and their onions, &c. but he never (hewed them the grievous paine and fervitude that there in making brickes they did under - goe. His fecond deceipt is this ; he tels us,that though we finne,yet we may efcape and goe to heavennot- withflanding. I anfwer : Doe but remember what God faith to this temptation, Deut.29. 19. when he fhallhare the words of this curfe, if heefhall bielle himfelfein his heart, fayrng, 1 Jhall have peace, although 1 walke ac- cording to the stubbornene ffe of mine owne bears, quafi dixit, though I commit luck and fuch finnes, yet notwichftanding I (hall goe to heaven, but marke what God fait h,Iwillnot be merciful( unto t, at man, but my wrath and my jealoufie (hall fmoake againfl him, every curie that is written in this booke f ball light upon him,and his name ¡hall be rotted out from under heaven So