Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

IUDAS Repentance. 15 So Efa. 28.12. I willdiranull your covenant, and your agreement with heli (hall not fland, quali dixit, when a man thinkes he (hall efcape hell, and goe to hea- ven, though he commit fin, he doth, as it were, make a covenant with hell, but God faith that cove cant fhall not (land. So Ffa. 44,11 .D eflruölion( hall comefuddenly on them, and they Pall not know the mor- ning thereof. Indeed, perhaps they fày,we will re- pent in the meane time ; but I with them ferioufly to confider the fore-named places. Thirdly, the Divell tels us that though we coma 3 Deceit. mit fin, yet we may leave it when we will. But for the anfwer of this ; know, it is a meere 4nfv. delufron ; for can a black-moore change bis skinne, ler.13.23 ? Suppofe a black - moore fhould be war- ned to come before a Prince with a faire skin, and have a weekes fpace to prepare himfelfe, and de- ferre it untill the laft day, thinking he could doe it foone enough ; would he not be accounted a foone:' yet a black- more fhall;fooner change his skin, than a wicked man depart from his evil! way. Sin is like to fcckneífe,it weakens the flrength of the mind, of the judgment, and affehions, and takes away all our purpofes which we had at the firfl. Ifa man that is ficke can keepe his ftrength, then may a man that lives in finne keepe his, and rouze himfelfe up by repentance at his pleafure ; but it is not fo, its God onely that giveth repentance, now the ípirit blowcth where it lutleth.lfyou fay,1 wil be forrowfull, forfake my finnes, and repentwhen fickenetle comes, this will hardly prove true repen- D 2 tance,