I U u A s l:pentance. commit thereby originall tranfgreffions. We had, you know,, a part in Adams finne by propagation ; now if we have a hand in it our felves by our ítrong inclinations thereunto, wee our felves are caufes thereof : likewife let us not therefore goe about to excufe our feRres with this, that becaufe I am of an other temper than another man, I may take more liberty,and God will beare with us herein;for God certainely will beare with us the leffe. Sixthly, He will turne away thy thoughts frog the finne, and fallen them onfomething elfe; fo loch, his eye at the firft was faftened on the thirty peeces of filVer, but afterwards bee thought of his finne. For this Y commend unto you Davids praelice, I confidered my wages, andturned my feete unto thy te- f imonies. So Tooke thou firft upon thy fume before thou commit it,and labour to fee his cunning there- in. If David had ferioufly looked on the finne of adultery bcfore he had committed it, he would ne- ver have done it ; hence is it that the Wife man counefellth us, Prov. 4. Taft. Ponder thy wayes a- right, ere. And this is commonly the greateft de- ceit of all.: Seventhly, He labours to draw men on to finne by degrees, by a little and a little .; he never aggra- vates the fin at the firft, but extenuates it. I anfwer when water bath gotten alittlepaf. Cage, it will foone make a great breach ; one little wedge makes way for a greater : fo it may be a man commits but a little finne at the firft, but afterward D 3 the 6. Deceit. Pfalme its). 7. Deceit. Anfwô