bin AS repentance. rerfeit are turd to be difceraed afunder by us, al- though in themfelves there is a broad difference, as much as betweene gold and copper. This falfe repentance may goe farre, r. If we confider the fubftance of it. 2. If we confider the concomitants. Firft, if we confider the fubitance, it may goe farre, for, z .. He may ferioufly confider his wayes. 2. He may have a kinde of forrow forhis fins. 3. He may fue for pardons for his fins,. as doe many hypocrites. 4. He may defire faith and repentance,as Fran, cis Spirts did. But here we mutt know that there is a twofold defire of faith and repentance. Firif, from a felfe -love, not out of a love to the graces, but feare of hell : and this may be in falfe repentance. Secondly,From a love to the graces,having fen. fibly tafted them; this defire is grace. s. There may be an amendment for a time, as did Saal and pharaoh. 6. He may come to that paffe, that if the finite were to be committed againe, he would not doe it for all the world, as Iudm. Secondly, True repentance and falfe are very like in refped of their concomitants. 1. This falfe repentance may caufe a remorfe, yea it may bring forth teares,aswe may fee in Saul, r Sara. 24. 17. be lift up his voyce and wept. 3.This