20 I U D As Repentance. z. This falfe repentance may caufe confeffion, f reely and fully, as did Pharaoh, Exod.9.27.taking íharne to himfelfe, and afcribing glory to God : thus did Sod,/ Sam.z 6,21 .he confeired that he had finned exceedingly,fo that Qne would have thought that it had beene true. 3. It may caufe them to fait and pray for par- don, as did L 4ha6, r Klogs 21.27. but it was not in truth, but only in the time of his mifery. 4. They may come to Reftitution, as Iudad did. N. They may bring forth fore fruits of a- mendment of life ; fo that very farre this falfe Repentance may goe ; as the fecond and third ground. And now behold true Repentance in fubftance and concomitants; what can youfinde more in it hence it is that fomany are deceived with falfe re- pentance, which is fo like the true ; but bring them to the touch- fione, and you (hall finde a broad difference bet weene them, as after you shall fee. Now the Reafons of this Point are taken from the falfe grounds from whence repentance comes, which are thefe : r. It comes from felfe -love; when finne proves hurtfull, and the hurt is neere at hand, then it may worke, but all out of felfe.love. An hypocrite when bee findes fire in the finne, hee throwes it a. way, but when once the fire is our of the coale, hee will play with it, and fooles himfelfe, hee feares