Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

IunAs,` epentance. 21- feares onely the fire, not the fouleneffe of fin ; he hates the fling, not the fin. I. This repentance comes from the common gifts of the holy Ghoti, which a carnali man may have ; as, Firfl, Hee may difapprove the foulene% of finne. Secondly, Hee may hate the uglineffe there- of. But here we mua know that the light of nature is extinguithed in fame more than in others ; as no doubt but that it was rife in lud «. When fins right- ly are propounded to us, Er we iñay goe in falfe re- pentance. Thirdly, their repentance comes from the beau- ty, fwçetneffe, and excellency a carnali man may finde in Gods wayes, whichmay make him amend and turne unto God for a while ; as in the time of loh» Bapti% they confeffed and turned to him.. ( but it was but fora while.; ) the reafon was, be- caufe he was a burning and flining light, and they rejoyced in his light. So the fecond ground found a fweetneffe in the Word, and left all, but yet returned, as z ht. 2. latter end. Some in the excellency of Preaching may . fee fweetncfïe, and rejoyce a while, but yet return againe to their finnes. Fourthly, Their repentance may ralle from a good Family, company, or Miniltry : Thus le- 41 4 (z Chreu 23. )good, while leheaida lived,which feemes to be thirty yeeres ; (o Tzzi4, z Gbron. a6 E was .0