Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

27, I u D A s Repentance. . Ye was good all the dayes of Zacharia ; fo many are good, while they are under carefóll Governours, and in good company ;. fo long as good meanes Lift they willbe good. L cannot compare filch men bet- ter then to the Swine,which whilefl they are in f =ire meddowes keepe themfelvescleane (wKh is-nothank to them, but the place) but a_ s Toone as they come to the mire they tumble in it ; fo will thefe men, fo Toone as opportunity is given them. 2. So likewife confeflion may arife frothfálfe'' grounds. Fill}, from paff°ion, being in good moods, they confeffe fometimes, not otherwaies ; but found has_ miliation, as a fping, makes us alwayes ready to confeffe. Secondly, From force evident difcovery of his fins ; when the light fhines fò in his eyes,that he can - not but confeffe ; as Saul when he evidently Taw D4. vrdr kindneffe, could not but confeffe. Thirdly, Flom touíc 'extorting caufe ; as here did haw, when God and his confcience preß him to it; fo did Pba aoh when he was under the racke. Thirdly, Restitution may alfo arife from falfe grounds. There was a great differencebetWeene the ref t- tution of Itr"das and Zachewi; isidoir was ficke and opprefi with his filver peeces, as a man of meate in his, ftomacke therefore no wonder though hee would be rid thereof but z4cheta did it moil wil- lingly and freely. This íhewerlí unto us the vanity of the Pòpiíh doctrine,