Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

T u D A S epentancea do rive, which makes but three parts of Repen- tance, Conic. flion ,Contrition,Satisfaéion,all thefe had fwdas, yet who can fay he truly repented; one may doe all that they fay, yet be damned. Let men then looke tothemfelvesthat have not vfe 2. gone as farre as ¡ud,rs, namely, have nor repented, confeífai, and reflored ; for though theft bee in fake repentance, yet are they in true alto; onely in falfe there are thefe onely, in true there is thefe and motealto : for as the guilt in counterfeit gold(which makes it like the true) is good; fo thefault is, that it is not throughout, fuch asthe outfide is ; fo there things in falfe repentance are good, the fault is, that their grounds are not good alto. And againe, they which have gone as farre as /a- dds, and feeme to have repented,let them try them. felves, and take heed they be not deceived. Now there are two things that hinder us from judging aright of our eftate. I. Vnwalingneffeto feaich. 2. Vnability to judge. Firft, Vnwillingneífe to fearch, and the caufes of that are there: Firíl: becaufe they have beene long lure, and o- thers fo judge of them, and therefore now they are loath to call into queftiontheir eftate : But let fuch know, that nothing can efkablifh their flare more; for either your repentance was found, and then the more comfort unto you if you fearch, or elfe it was not found, and then the fooner you difcorer the falfeneffe thereof, the fooner you may amend it. E3 2 It