2q. ICor.t[toe ,Neheal. i, II. I u D A s Repentance. z. It is becaufe they are unwilling to make their hearts fully found ;they would not be perfea;they will have force finne to daily with but this is great folly in men, for want of one fteppe more to mifle heaven,and to make fhipwracke in the haven oftheir happineffe. Secondly, inability in judging, not being able to judge whether wee have truely repented or not. To helpe this; confider whether your repentance arife from a naturali confcience, or an heart truely changed, for that is all in all. If your heart bee changed ; and from that, and not from a naturali confcience enlightned, arifeth your repentance; but this is hardel of all to know. You may know it two waies. r . By the inward differences. 2. By the outward effets. Firff, by the inward differences, and they are five: Firfl, if it come from an heart truely changed, thou Ihalt finde thy felfe doing all holy duties with la naturali inclination,as the fire to afcend 3 although 'thou .meeteft with many impediments, yet never leaveft ftriving, but inwardly delighteft in Gods law . A naturaltconfcience may do much, but ne- ver make us inwardly from the bent of the heart to will good ; now in fpirituall things, its more to will then to doe ; as Saint Paul would have the Co- rinthians not onely to doe,but alfo to will. Hence is it that 2(ehemiah deliires the Lord to heart the prayers