I U n A 5 1epentance. fings ; and may rejoyce in God with fume fiafhes of joy ;- as, Heb. 6. But to love God in his Attrib,ates with the love of delight and canjugall love, to love him becaufe he is holy, jail, &c. this an heart un- changed cannot doe ;and the reafonis,becaufe that all love of delight arifeth from fimil'itude; and none thus love God,. which are not changed, and fo like him. But you may fay, How can I know this love of God e I anfwer, It's eafie enough to be knowne. For, r. He thatloves God, keeps his Commandements: 2. The Commandements of God are not burthet- fome'unto him. But betides this, you may know in your heart whether you love him or no, as you can tell if you love a friend, for thenyour heart will be toward him, you will delight in him Ifthefe figues be not in you,you may juftly doubt that your repen- tance is no more than the repentance of Judas was. 2.. But now becaufe thee inward'effc6s of found repentance are hard to bee difcerned, wee will now confider the outward effefts of true repentance, which are fonte. Bi lt, Conftancy ;true repentance holds our, all falle repentance is inconftant ; for it arifeth from.. p ffion which is ever inconftant, and therefore the repentance comming from it, mull needs be incon- ftant ; whetherit be from feare or fromnovelty of holineffe, or perfwaf on, or to yip- my ;`ór fomefud denjoy, what ever it be (not being a tr:e change) it ceafeth, as heate that riling from rubbing -goes away