Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

$ IunAS Repentance. away when the rubbing is ended ; but it would con- tinue if it arofe from a foule giving life to the body. Indeed! confeffe force paffion may flay longer then other,as loa¡h, Amazia,but when once Iehotada dyes, they will ceafe. Secondly, an evennes &uniformity in their lives; counterfeits cannot ever be the fame, but the godly are frill the fame, in all courfes and places : indeed they may be often uneven from the fuddennetfe of the occafion, as the newneffe of the ayre ruche new Country, may make one ficke, but it kils not ; fo a godly man, in what place or time foever, remaines the fame,though he get difadvantage by it;as a cheep film; into a ditch may be fouled,but is a (beep ffil; but the wicked is cleane another man; bee carts off the paffion ofgoodneffe,and is cleanechanged ; but the godly man cannot call off his nature,bocaufe he is borne of God, therefore cannot fin ;that is, in the manner 'he did before. Thirdly, generality of obedience the hypocrite ever rowles come fweet morfell under his tongue, and, fo Both fomething wherein hefavoureth him - felfe but the godly man leaves all fins. But you will fay, the godlyalto have force belo- ved fin,and force infirmities row they are inclined. I anfwer : there is a great difference betweene the hypocrite and the godly man ;for an hypocrite pur. pofely keepeth force roome for his fin; but thegod. ly man defires to be reproved,and will willingly fuf- fer admonition, and defines no exempt place for his deererf fins, but would thorowly be tried. But