Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

3® _ fvifreft at the firfl, but flacke afterward ; but the motion of the godly is naturali, flowefl at the firfl, but after it's fwifter and fwifter. z. Having already fhewen the difference be- tweene true and falfe repentance, I will now Phew the difference betweene true and falle confeffion. True Confeffion is an infallible fgne of grace; many thinke it an eafie matter,butto confeffe aright is a very hard thing : Many confefre for force by- ends,or force extorting caufe ; but true Confeffion bath three three properties. Firft, it's particular ; it confeffeth the leafl and fecreteft corruption in the heart ; and not onely grolle fins : But the hypocrite, although bee may confeífe fore grofl'e fumes, yet never comes to full particular Confeffion. Secondly truc Confeffion k constant, but falle is onely in focne good mood, orin fomeafflition, as fickneffe, &c. Thirdly, true Confeffion arifeth from a good ground ; namely, a bate conceit of our felves, a true fhame, and an earneft delreonely to glorifie God, with a full purpofe wholly to debate them. felves, and a perfect refolution to forfake the finne hee confetfeth, Which the wicked never doe. 3. Reftitution that is true and right, differs from falfe. Becaufe hypocriticall reftitution is in neceffity when hee cannot helpe it, but it's a burden to him, then hee cafts it away as a dogge doth his vomit, when hip A s`Kenentance.