I u D A S Repentance. mens confciences , whether they will er no. Ida confeffeth Chrift innocent now ; this put not a new conceit of Chrift into his confcience, but made hire confe(fe what before he thought in his confcience to be fo. But fde may fay, that many men that are wor- thy Inftruenents of Gods gloiy, find envie and ha- tred here amongft mene Indeed it's true ; but it will be but for a fhort time before the miff will be expelled from before their confciences ; and afterward, although their confcìences for a while may be tonguestyed, yet they will openly approove them to be good men, as Iud&s here did Chrift. Firft,becaufe it's not in the power of men ro judge as they will, but they mutt judge according to the light of confcience that is in them, they cannot but fee what's prefented unto them by confcience : as the eye being open cannot but fee what is (hewed to it ;. and ir's, Co mitut-.111 to the confcience to fee truth ; for light is put into the confcience even of the wicked by God himfelfe: Hence is that,that the Evangelift Saint ëohnfayes, ioh. r. The light/hined in darkeneffe : Whereby light is meant the naturall light of confcience, which although it maketh not men obedient to the truth, yet it maketh them to acknowledg the truth. Therefore Confcience by the Schooleañen is called a Virgin, beeaufe it is not defiled by untruths, but ever murmurs againft evill, and affents to truth and good ; is may be opnreft fewhat, but ever keeprs it felt-e.(trcight i n j :adge- ,ent;