IunAs epentdnce. ment ; therefore the falfe judgment of the wicked comes not from confcience, but from iufls, which when they are gone (as in death, or often before ) then they fpeake the truth. Secondly, becaufe God will have glory from, all the creatures that he hath made, and they cannot but acknowledg it to be right; therefore they which finne againft the Holy Ghaff, though they hate goodneffe , .becaufe they count it not good to rhem,yet in it felfe they thinke it to be goad; there - fore the Divels beleeving and trembling comes from their confcience. This should teach us tothinke well ofthe ways of God, although others fpeake, againít thee, for it is for fomefecret caufe, and inwardly they doe approve of them in their confcìences while they live, and oft witnetfe the fame at their deaths. z Be not difcouraged for any oppofrtionorha- tred that thou (halt meet withall ;; what though they hate ciic:, ydttiac.y haw. that wiclhiu them that will approve thee: Wee cannot approve our felves to their wits, affehcions,or lulls;but.whether they will or npt,We may approve our felves to tiìeir con- fciences.It is therfore a bafenef% when we labour to approve our felves to any by doing evil! ; the bets way is to approve, our (elves to their confcïences, and take D vids courfe,who when vichol tcoffed at him for dancing before th e Arke, fayes,if this bee vile, 1 will be yet more vile ; ro 1hallI be hàd ire honour of the Virgins : So likewi e , Art thou hated for 1 Relig on t' Labour, to exceed in that; to ihal) they F 3 honour 33 Yf ;.