all unrighteoufnefe and ungodlineff . fhall fee it failes as much as, or more than in any of the o her. But you will fay, the Confcience is rea- die enough to accufe; it is true, but the light it bath, by which it is able to fee finde, and to accufe us for finnc, it abufes and perverts to a wrong end, for this you (hall finde in the Confciencc: when we preach the Law, and the Confcience fhould'joyne with us to accufe, then it excufes, making every thing franc (mall and little; And againe,when wee preach the Gofpell, and the Confcie ce fhtduldexcufe, then it accufes ; my firms are fog at and many, that there is no mercy for mee. And this perverting of the light, this excufing,when it át accufe, and this accufng, when it fhould excufe rufeth us,Declenare illans,to fcape the blow of Law and GofpcII,and we are robbed of the fruit of both, becaufe the Confci- ence doth not his,part aright. And fo you may fee, how farre offyou are fromazood Confcience. But, you will fay, I doe many things in fecret out of Confcience, and I hope it is not fo much cor rupted. I will adde this then to that I faid before, you mull know it is not a good Confcience which only fupprefferh and rtftraineth from evill. The matter is, in what tearmes it f}ands with G o D; W it looke on G o D, as a chafe loving wife iookes on her `iusband, or a fon on the father, :tbar out of reverent loving tefptâs, feares to offend hurl, becaufe they prize their favour more, than an mans favour in he world, and after this manner reffraines, it isa good Confcience; but if it refirainc us, as a fervant is rcftrrained under an hard matter, or as a theefe E 3 sander ' SERAI' tI. Ccn1cience 1,bule,h chi liblit it hach. Liln fiv. Signe of a good contd. encor