34 I u D A S Repentancem Dear; Reafon. honour thee in their confciences ; and it's better to approve thy felfe to their confciences, for they in- dure ; than to their tufts, for they are vanifhing, and their good opinion of thee (hall vanith. Hee that reproves, than finde more favour ittthe latter end,than he that flatters; becaufe he approves him - felfe to the confcience, this onely to the lufts. Now followes the carriage of the Elders to- wards zudaó ; they excufed themfelves, ( laying, What is that to us, Looke thou to it ?) although they were the chiefef,Agents therein.W hence learnt this Doctrine, That there is a marvellous aping"( in the Natxre of man, to excufe a Jim when hee bath commit- ted it, The Pharifes here were the men that moved and hired lugs to betray Chrift : Ada was but the Inftrument they ufcd ; and they had purpofedto have put him to death, although lades had never betrayed him; yet they fay,What is that tow ? Thus alto Adam having done that that was directly con- trary to Gods Command, yet excufeth hinnfelfe. Thus did the Kings of Ifrael ; as tit fah, when hee had committed an evident finne, he would not ac- knowledge it ; but when the Prophet conies to tell him of it, he falls a threatning of him. Thus allo did Amaziah. `Firít, becaufe all finne after it's committed , leaves a blot in the minde, which is compared to a fhadow,