Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

ra;, . 36 `LI D A S .t87e"'1tanL°e w ard he beginnes to doe it more and more; at laft he dot it with delight. What is fail ofunclean- n íe ,Js true of all finnes: Prov.3 o.20. She wipes her moita i. e. excufeth : fo that although The muff needs confeffe it to be a finne, yet in that cafe Thee accounteth it none. Secondly,if thou =rt fallen into any finne,remem- ber thy aptneffe to excufe it,and labour to get out as Toone as thou canfL. g Remember what thy judgment was of that finne before thou felled into it, although now thou judge it frnall . Thy judgment is like a glaffe ;be fore it is crackt,it fhewes true ; but after it is cracks, it reprefenteth things Qtherwife then they are. Thinke with thy felfe therefore how ill once thou rhoughteft that finne; and feeing thy ovine judge- ment isblinded helpe thy felfe with other holy wens judgements concerning that finne. a Labour to abflaine from the of that Gave, anti fo will fight cony in. againeby a little and a little, and then thou wilt fee the uglineffeof it i for no man fees the uglineffe of a finne, untili 6rfl he comes out of ir. And now we come to their Anfwer. What is that to arc, locks thou to it. From hence gáine learne this Dodrin.e, That for the moll part,in the time of our extremity, wee have leafl comfort from thofe which were our companions in mill. luda