IUD AS Repentance. 37 lochs here comes to the High Priefts, which were his companions in the betraying of Chrift ; but they give him poore comfort , What have wee to doe with that,loeke thou to it: Miferable comforters to a man in his extremity. Now the Reafons aretaken , fira, From Gods Iuftice it's juft with God, when men joyne againa him, to fet them one againft another. Thus he fer Abimileck and the men of Sechem one againft an other : God fends -an evill fpirit betweene them ; he can make enemies to be freinds , and treinds to be enemies. There are aboundance offuch exam- ples in hyftories. Secondly, from mans nature,which is apt to love the treafon, and hate the Traytor : he bath a love to the lull , and fo may love the treafon ; hee bath a principle in him to hate the Traytor. Thirdly , from the nature of their love ; it's for commodity or gaine, or force by -end or other,and therefore when the commodity ceafeth, that alto ceafeth ; yea, and often turnes to hatred, as Ammons love to Thamar did. This fhould teach us to take heede how wee joyne with men to doe evils : It's better to joyne to their confciences in doing well , for their confciences will continue; then to theirluils, for they will end and then their love to you will end alfo. Hence it's laid in the Proverbs, That he that re. proveth, (mall find more favour in the endthan he that attereth. Many rejoyce in the love of evil company; but all that love is butlikeglae fodered togerher; G when Deaf.